sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Invasão do oriente!

Os maiores atletas asiáticos e orientais estão invadindo o blog Musclelicious!
Ajude a nossa equipe a identifica-los!

Huang Chien Jih

Oriental identificado: Yunchang Im

Oriental identificado: Seungcheol Lee

Continue vendo os bombados orientais. Clique aqui

2 comentários:

  1. The last two pictures have a different person. Seungcheol Lee of the super-heavyweight in South Korea.

  2. Ah, the two pictures in the middle are also a diffrent name's. He is called Yunchang Im in South Korea. Well, do you really think that all Asians are the same? Do you think Brasilians, Portuguese, Uruguayans, Paraguayans and Argentinians are the same?

